Detective privati

Offerte di lavoro di Detective privati a Fiumicino (Roma)

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Responsabile: Tridea Labs S.L. Finalità: creare un account professionale per gestire preventivi. Legittimazione: autorizzazione dell’utente. Destinatari: utenti interessati ad essere contattati per ricevere preventivi sui servizi e lavori professionali che realizzi. Diritti: email a Informazione addizionale: accedi alla nostra Politica di Privacy e Condizioni e Termini di Uso

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Offerte di lavoro di Detective privati a Fiumicino (Roma)

Fiumicino (Roma) | 16-08-2022

Hi, I want to ask you if you could help me find my 2 laptops in fiumicino. We were on the beach on august 4, 2022, and someone broke our car window. They stole a lot of things from our car, but the worst part is that they stole my work on my laptop. I lost my job in two years in this laptop, many small companies accounting. Everything is very bad for me because i don't have it stored on my key. It's hard for me to do the work for Two years back. I need to find this laptop by all means. But i can give a maximum of 1000 euros when i get this laptop, but no smearing of things inside. If you can help me, i will give you more information. There was a camera at this location, but the police have not looked at it to this day. And they only save 3 days. It all seems to me that they don't want to investigate the truth. I don't know how well you know the local conditions, whether these robberies are done by moroccans or the drug mafia and whether it is realistic to find it. I need those laptops back, because there is no way i can replace the work of two people for two years. I will provide more information if you could. With sincerely Mgr. Eva ben yagouta koltášová Tel: ‪+

Fiumicino (Roma) | 03-01-2022

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