Patricia Smith

Patricia Smith
È di Castel Rozzone (Bergamo)Registrato il 16-06-2020

è gratis e senza alcun impegno
Così è Patricia
Me as a teacher
Teaching english is not just a job for me it's also a passion. I love helping my students achieve something that to me is so natural. I teach all ages and all levels, but i must admit that online i really do prefer working with students from about 12, 13 upwards...
My lessons and teaching style
My teaching methods are based on a comunicative approach. I'm a teacher that seeks to bring out the best in my students, i think confidence is very important because without it it's not so easy to speak, even if you're good in grammar. So i try hard to help my students in this direction too. I focus on my students needs and their level, and of course the materials i use are adapted well to their levels. I'm always professional, respectful and very punnctual for my lessons..
Area di lavoro di Patricia
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Insegnanti di lingue: Madrelingua inglese
Patricia non ha ancora indicato i suoi impieghi.
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